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Driving Test Complete & Highway Code

Driving Test Products

Driving Test Complete & Highway Code

Driving Test Complete & Highway Code

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£14.98 £13.50

In this package you get both the Highway Code Book and the Driving Test Complete.

When you buy online postage and package is Free and delivery will normally be next day provided you order before 4.30 pm (excludes orders made on Saturday, Sunday or Bank holidays). Alternatively, contact us on our free phone number 0800 400 777.

Minimum PC specification
The minimum PC specification recommended to run the above software is as follows:

Operating System: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7.
CPU: Pentium II 800.
Hard Drive Space: Minimum - 2.05gb with HP clips on DVD-Rom.
Memory: 128mb.
Graphics: 800 x 600 x 32 bit colour.
DVD-Rom Speed: 2 x or faster.
Audio: 16bit SoundCard.

Although we are confident that the majority of Computers that satisfy this minimum specification will successfully run the program we can not guarantee this as other factors can also effect compatibility.